FAQ Course Expectations

Course Expectations


In an academic setting, appropriate classroom behavior for adults is pivotal in fostering a conducive learning environment for all participants. Adult learners, with their diverse experiences and perspectives, are expected to model a high standard of conduct that reflects respect for both the educational setting and the shared goals of the class. This involves being punctual, prepared, and engaged in the learning process, while also demonstrating professional courtesy to instructors and peers. Here’s a summary of key behaviors:


  • Punctuality: Arrive on time and ready to participate.
  • Preparation: Complete readings and assignments in advance.
  • Engagement: Actively participate in discussions and activities.
  • Respect: Show consideration for the opinions and contributions of others and the instructor.
  • Professionalism: Maintain a courteous and professional demeanor.
  • Communication: Express thoughts clearly and constructively.
  • Focus: Avoid distractions, such as using phones or other electronic devices for non-class-related activities.
  • Recording Policy: Do not record lectures or discussions without explicit permission.

Thank you,

The Real Estate Learning Group®